Friday, October 1, 2010

The Last 308.36 miles AKA Day Three

There are so many good moments I can't capture them all. They happen too fast. While I'm driving I try to take mental notes but I can't keep up.  When I'm not driving I can't get to the camera or IPOD fast enough.

For instance:
Me: "Dad, can we stop at McDonalds. I need to pee and want some Ice Tea"
Dad: "Sure, Kath. Where is it at?"
Me: "Down the road on your right."
Mom: "See the arches, Ray?"
Me: "Look Dad, a handicap spot." Yes, they have a handicap permit.
Dad: "Ok, ok."  He pulls in. "Ohhhkay,  this is the drive thru."
"Raymond," (do I even need to say who this is speaking?  Remember, there's tone.) "we don't want the drive thru."
Me: "Dad, I have to use the bathroom."
Dad: "Ohhh okay, I forgot." He immediately pulls to the right and gets in a parking space. No, there weren't any cars coming up to our right, thank goodness.  There also were not any pauses in this conversation, I swear.  

Last night while I was talking to Mark I mentioned that I wish I could capture all the great conversations and then I realized I have my IPOD that records video. Then Mark reminded me the next day that my camera does too! 
The first video I got is a gem.

I got a couple of great pictures once we hit the Florida state line.

It was mostly an uneventful drive down 75 south, but tensions rose as we got closer to the new house.  There was a bit of confusion on directions plus some anxiety, and once again I was glad I had my GPS.  They were just so excited they wanted to get to the new house.  We finally made it.

We unloaded the car, they milled around the house and then we headed to my sisters. We ended the night with Dinner at Mimi's.

The road trip may be over, but the adventure continues. We tried our best to get a clear story on when the truck with all their belongings was going to show up.  It's either tomorrow or Monday or whenever "the guy" calls.

I'm gearing up for a high stress day when the truck does arrive.  Let's just say that chaos is not welcome in my parents lives and there will most likely be lots of tone.   I'll try to capture what I can, mostly I will try to stay out of the way. 

2:25 pm  Arrive at new house
9:00 pm tucked in safe and sound at my sister's

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